News of the Day:
Mining Matters!! Graphene Plus infused masks kill COVID
Shane Lasley, Metal Tech News, August 17, 2020
Italy-based Directa Plus says the coronavirus killing properties of its graphene-enhanced COVID-19 masks have been confirmed by scientists in Rome. Already independently certified as antiviral by ISO, an international standard-setting organization based in Switzerland, a mask with the company’s Graphene Plus, or G+, antiviral graphene has been on sale since June. “Most of the other masks are currently not able to inactivate the virus but they are able to just decrease the probability of infection by reducing the droplets that are passing through the mask,” Directa Plus CEO Giulio Cesareo said during an Aug. 14 interview with Proactive Investors.
Russia Doubles Down On Its Arctic Oil & Gas Agenda
Vanand Meliksetian, OILPRICE.COM, August 18, 2020
The late senator John McCain once said about Russia, “the country is a gas station masquerading as a state.” Although the politician is speaking from a biased American position, the truth is that Russia’s massive hydrocarbon reserves give some truth to his opinion. Since the early days of the industry more than a century ago, oil and gas have been flowing from wells in Western Russia and Siberia. To maintain its position globally, Moscow is putting all its cards on the development of the Arctic.
In the run-up to U.S. election, drilling lobby promotes natural gas as ‘clean’
Valerie Volcovici, Andrew R.C. Marshall, Matthew Green, Reuters, August 18, 2020
America’s biggest oil and gas lobby group is ramping up its advertising spending ahead of the November election to persuade voters that natural gas is a climate-friendly fuel, according to ad buying data. The campaign by the American Petroleum Institute (API), targeted at younger voters and some tight congressional races, is part of a global battle by the drilling industry to assuage growing fears over the role of natural gas in driving climate change.
A reminder from the National Mining Association on the critical need for NEPA reform:
Although the U.S. is rich in mineral resources, the U.S. government’s process for securing necessary mine permits takes close to 10 years – compared to Australia and Canada which have similar environmental standards and practices as the U.S., but only take between two and three years. Permitting delays have been called the most significant risk to mining projects in the United States, and it shows. American businesses and communities aiming to launch new ventures, anticipate NEPA reforms as a step in the right direction to eliminating project delays, unnecessary costs and overall regulatory uncertainty.

From the Washington Examiner, Daily on Energy:
SUPPORT FOR OIL AND GAS IN SWING STATES, INDUSTRY GROUP FINDS: The American Petroleum Institute is playing offense during the week of the Democratic National Convention, releasing new polling Tuesday that it says demonstrates support for oil and gas in swing states.
The poll, conducted by Morning Consult, surveyed 8,600 registered voters in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Texas.
It found 33% of them, including 26% of Democrats, say oil and gas will play a “very significant” role as a part of America’s energy needs 20 years from now.
Forty percent, with nearly an equal percentage of Democrats and Republicans, said oil and gas would have a “somewhat significant” role in the future. Only 3% said these fossil fuels would have no role at all.
The survey also found that 23% said the oil and gas industry would play a “very important” role in helping the economy recover from the pandemic. Forty percent said it would be “somewhat important” to recovery, while 6% said oil and gas would not be important at all.
A closer look: The questions are phrased to suggest policies to reduce fossil fuel production would leave the U.S. vulnerable to more imports of oil and gas, leaving it less energy secure.
“Proposals to ban U.S. energy production are out of step with bipartisan support for an all-of-the-above energy approach and would set America back by returning us to the days of relying on foreign energy,” API CEO Mike Sommers told Josh.
One question asks whether swing-state voters are more or less likely to back a candidate who supports policies ensuring access to U.S. produced oil and gas. Majorities said they would be at least “somewhat” more likely. Only about 10% would be less likely to vote for such a candidate, but 26% of those polled were unsure.