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“Green colonialism” in new ANWR legislation; Murkowski goes Nuclear

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Which Native voices? On Arctic Refuge, lawmakers practice selective listening Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media, March 26, 2019 A bill in Congress would reverse the 2017 decision to open the northernmost part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. A hearing about it in the U.S. House Tuesday became a debate, sometimes an angry one, over which Alaska … read more

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Poppycock put to rest. EPA’s Wheeler wimps out.

In Home, News by wp_sysadmin

Conservation remains a core conservative principle Andrew Sabin and Trammell Crow, The Hill, March 25, 2019 Something extraordinary is happening on Capitol Hill. This month, a once-in-a-generation public lands bill passed with overwhelming Republican support and was signed into law by President Trump. And this month, Republicans announced the formation of the bicameral Roosevelt Conservation Caucus to promote conservation and … read more