Navigate Alaska’s Ballot Measures: Vote Informed!

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In the 2024 general election, Alaskans will be asked to vote on 2 ballot measures:

Ballot Measure 1

“An initiative to increase Alaska’s minimum wage, provide workers with paid sick leave, and protect workers from practices that violate their constitutional rights.”

Ballot Measure 2

“An act to get rid of the Open Primary System and Ranked-Choice General Election.” 

Each day this week, AK Headlamp will provide information about the ballot measures. We will start with Ballot Measure  2, as it is less complicated to understand and does not impact Alaska’s business community and economy the way that Ballot Measure 1 does.

Your ballot will contain the following language regarding Ballot Measure 2:

An Act Restoring Political Party Primaries and Single-Choice General Elections.

This act would get rid of open primary elections and ranked-choice general elections.

It would bring back political party primaries and single-choice general election. Elections will occur exactly as they did before a previous ballot measure changed the election laws in 2022.

In the primary election, voters will choose a party’s ballot. They will vote for one candidate and the winning candidate will be the party’s nominee.

In the general election, voters will select one candidate. The candidate with the most votes will win.

This act would also bring back party petitions, special runoff elections, and other processes in the place before 2022.

It would put all election laws, except campaign finance laws, back the way they were before 2022.

Should This Initiative Become Law?

A YES vote on Ballot Measure 2 repeals ranked choice voting. A NO vote retains ranked choice voting.

Tomorrow:  Ballot Measure 1, Part 1:  Increasing Alaska’s Minimum Wage