$2.1 billion from oil industry to state this year; When the fluff settles…

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Permanent Fund revenue tops oil and taxes as Alaska’s budget foundation James Brooks, Anchorage Daily News, March 18, 2019 The Alaska Permanent Fund has surpassed the oil industry and all other taxes combined as the cornerstone of the state budget, according to an updated forecast from the Alaska Department of Revenue. According to the figures released Friday and presented Monday … read more

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Deep in the heart of Texas Alaska shines; Laser-focus from industry on emission reduction

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Texas, Alaska viewpoints stress growth and innovation at final day of CERAWeek Kurt Abraham, Editor-in-Chief , World Oil, March 17, 2019 Common themes of bountiful resources and expanding oil and gas production were sounded by a Texas senator and the Alaskan governor on the final day, Friday March 15, of the five-day CERAWeek conference in Houston. Sen. John Cornyn (Rep. … read more

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US Production High While Oil Fights Energy Cycles and Price Drops

In Home, News by wp_sysadmin

Big Oil Loses a Safe Space in Houston Liam Denning, Bloomberg, March 14, 2019  Parameters dictate pathways, and while many of the delegates at CERAWeek are used to riding energy’s cycles, changing physics requires true evolution. Advantage lies chiefly in flexibility, with the oil and gas pricing, trade, and demand outlook more uncertain than they’ve been in a generation, possibly … read more