IEA sees bigger hit than OPEC; Don’t be confused: Energy Good, Emissions Bad

In News by wp_sysadmin

Oil IEA Plans to Revise Down Oil Demand Forecasts Due to VirusStephen Cunningham, Bloomberg, March 5, 2020 The International Energy Agency plans to revise down its oil-demand forecasts next week because of the spreading coronavirus.  “I am going to announce it Monday morning in Paris,” IEA chief Fatih Birol told a Congressional hearing in Washington on Thursday. “The impacts are … read more

We’re Back!!

In News by wp_sysadmin

In 2020, AKHeadlamp is celebrating its 5th anniversary.   We took a few months off to update the site – and now we’re back! Our mission remains the same: Providing Alaskans with critical, timely information about resource development in Alaska to help them understand and appreciate the role responsible resource development plays in the state. Most of our regular features are … read more

Headlamp – Cuomo’s Contradiction, AK Oil Spill Regs, Automation Offshore

In Home, News by wp_sysadmin

Cuomo’s Carbon Contradiction The Editorial Board, Wall Street Journal, October 20, 2019 Mr. Cuomo wants to make New York ground zero in the left’s plan to purge fossil fuels. First he banned shale fracking in southern New York despite its huge potential to boost local economies. Then he blocked a natural-gas pipeline from Pennsylvania that would have reduced energy bills … read more